Sunday, March 29, 2020

Allama Iqbal Open University Lahore

Allama Iqbal Open University LahoreThe Allama Iqbal Open University Lahore has many features which make it unique. Firstly, it is the only institution in Pakistan that offers the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the field of Islamic studies in a one year course. This special program is particularly designed for those people who wish to pursue a course of Islamic studies and are eager to acquire the knowledge needed for the religious and educational institutions. In addition, this institute also offers the opportunity to the people to further their studies at their own pace.This institution, which has been recognized by many organizations, including those from Pakistan, is a part of the Allama Iqbal Open University, which is one of the oldest universities in Pakistan. It was founded in the year 1981. Today, this institute has an impressive list of alumni who have achieved different degrees such as a doctorate, bachelors, masters, PhD and many others.Although the Allama Iqbal Open Univers ity Lahore has a rich background and history, it still adheres to the principles of open and innovative learning, it does not restrict its students to any particular field of study. This is because it is actually one of the best educational institutions of Pakistan. The curriculum offered by this institute gives the students a chance to enjoy the high standard education they need to qualify themselves for jobs.Because of the eclectic education, the students enrolled in the Allama Iqbal Open University Lahore can use their creativity and ideas to find out all kinds of questions. They also have the chance to take courses related to different fields like mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, geology, astronomy and so on. Other than these courses, this institute also offers MBA and JD courses for their students. These courses also include internships and research projects, which will help the students to develop their career.The academic excellence of the institution does not end th ere. The students also have the chance to participate in extra curricular activities like coaching sessions, seminars, guest lectures, research work, field trips, festivals and so on. They can also make use of study abroad programs to get out of their homes and enjoy an international university environment.Those who wish to pursue further studies after completing their degrees through the Allama Iqbal Open University Lahore can do so at their own pace. However, most of the students opt for the Master's program to further their knowledge. For those who want to pursue a doctorate, the requirements are similar to those of bachelor degree.The Allama Iqbal Open University Lahore also offers a one year diploma course in religious studies. This course is especially designed for those people who are interested in pursuing a religious or educational studies or have taken up a course that requires them to master religious subjects and try to understand their teachings better.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Reggio and Montessori Teachers Wanted!

Reggio and Montessori Teachers Wanted! Early Years, Kindergarten, or Elementary teachers - do you have experience with the Montessori or Reggio approach? Do you have an AMI diploma?  Teach Away is beginning to hire for more and more positions requiring this experience, and how you specify your qualifications could make the difference in landing an international teaching job.Many teachers worry that being too specific on their applications will hurt them, because they might be overlooked for other jobs. In fact, the opposite is true! Being as specific as possible when it comes to your experience - listing your experience with different curricula and teaching methods - is the best way to be successfully recruited for a teaching job abroad.Whether your experience is with Montessori, Reggio, IB curriculum, GCSE, or AP curriculum, letting us know the details can only help your application. Specify the type of teaching in your job application as well as your resume. Don't risk missing out on fantastic opportunities teaching abr oad!Teachers with Experience in the Reggio ApproachTeach Away currently has the following positions available for teachers experienced in the Reggio approach:Early Years Principal, ThailandEarly Years Teacher, ThailandKindergarten Teacher, ThailandEarly Childhood Coordinator, ThailandMontessori Teaching JobsThe following positions are also available in Rwanda for Montessori teachers:Preschool Montessori TeacherElementary Montessori TeacherWith new positions opening all the time, you'll want to make sure you're ready for the opportunity that's right for you. Apply online to give yourself the best chance of finding a teaching job overseas.Apply for JobsTo apply for jobs through Teach Away, please fill out our online application. If you have already applied with Teach Away and would like to be considered for one of the teaching jobs listed above, please contact janette(at) directly.

4 Tips for Improving Your Customer Service Skills

4 Tips for Improving Your Customer Service Skills Image via: Grow thick skin Developing thick skin can sometimes be one of the most difficult things to accomplish and if it is not difficult congratulations! That means that the rest of the journey towards improved customer service skills will be painless and easier after this. Once you’re working in customer service, you must prepare yourself for the wide range of individuals you will find yourself working with on a daily basis. Without a doubt, it is absolutely frustrating to deal with a difficult or rude customer, especially when that customer decides to vent their frustrations through some “below the belt” blows against you personally. It is difficult, to say the least, to remain professional while the little volcano of irritation within you is itching for a chance to explode. Instead, develop thick skin. Remember that a customer’s behavior is a reflection of who they are, not who you are. Also, try to keep in mind that you don’t know this person’s story. They might have just had a death in the family, or maybe they’re ill. Whatever the case, do not let the behavior of your customers affect your headspace, mood, or actions. Count to 10 and keep the good vibes running. Image via: Be attentive After the first hour or two of a long shift, it is completely normal to find yourself becoming pretty sluggish. The adrenaline rush of the first rounds of customers has worn off and now you’re drifting away into slumber mode while the remaining customers amble through the store. To improve your customer service skills, make sure that this slumber mode never sees the light of day. Always keep your eye on the customers in the store. This doesn’t mean that you need to constantly be on their tail all throughout the building; this just means that you shouldn’t neglect them of your attention even though they aren’t demanding yours at the present moment. Customers don’t always communicate their needs by coming right up to you and expressing them. Sometimes, you need to be on the lookout for subtle indicators, like body language. If you notice a customer looking around the store or appearing as if they are lost, go and assist them right away. They might not be familiar with your store and could be in need of your assistance. Showing your customers more attention and love means that in the end, they’ll show the same love and attention right back by leaving positive reviews on your store’s social media or submitting positive feedback online. What could be more rewarding than helping someone find what they need? Image via: Use positive language   One of the most important components to any relationship is effective communication. The relationship between a staff member and a customer is no different. Think of what made the difference between a positive shopping experience and a meh shopping experience. More than likely, one of the first things that came to mind had something to do with the employees who provided their service to you. The best customer service workers are the ones who can use “positive language” with their customers. What is “positive language,” you might ask? Let’s say that a customer comes into your store looking for a certain product, but that product is out of stock. Without the use of positive language, you would just be dampening your customer’s spirits. That product is unavailable at this time.  With positive language, your customer hears a completely different message. That product will be available next week so I can set up an order for you now and have it delivered as soon as it is back in stock. See the difference? By taking attention away from the dilemma and placing it on the solution, you can completely change a customer’s in-store experience. Image Take initiative Go the extra mile! It’s easy to just clock in, ring up a few items, and then clock out, but that’s not where the adventure lies. More importantly, that’s not where the self-improvement lies. If your customer is looking for a pair of pants in their size that isn’t in the main store room, offer to check the back room! If your customer is wondering when a certain line of clothing will be hitting the shelves again, don’t brush them off with an “I dunno.” Smile, tell them you’ll find out for them, and go find the answers. Take initiative by going above and beyond your job description. It’s little things like this that help change every customer’s shopping experience from meh to great! Not to mention those customer service skills … feel free to add that to your LinkedIn profile!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Will They Buy What Youre Selling Personal Marketing 101

Will They Buy What You're Selling Personal Marketing 101 Photo by RedBalloon Advertisers via Flickr Marketing is commonly associated with trying to sell something (which it is) and using pushy techniques to do so (think door-to-door salesmen). As negative as it may seem, there is still no arguing the fact that its an essential part of growing business and selling products; and now, it has also become an essential part of the job search. In essence, the time has come to market yourself. The good news is that marketing doesnt have to give you the feeling that youre selling yourself along with your humanity under a stormy sky. In fact, following the steps below will greatly increase your chances of landing the job you want and will help you to create a place for yourself within your field. Identify Yourself and Your Strengths Larry Chiagouris, professor and author of The Secret to Getting a Job After College,  stated  for USA Today, Students should list what theyre good at and what they like to do, then they should take that list and apply it to a career direction. It is important that you know your skills, how to implement them and why an employer would need them. Knowing, fully, your passions and strengths is the foundation to having the confidence to market yourself  to potential employers; without it youre more likely to fumble during an interview or give vague, generalized descriptions of skills rather than specialized, knowledgeable ones. Be Authentic Once youve determined your skill set, make sure your resume, LinkedIn profile and all other aspects of your brand remain authentic. This is essentially letting your personality shine through while still demonstrating your skill set. Alyson Weiss, social media specialist, stated  in an article for Career Moves: The key to successful branding language is  authenticity, not a specific tone  and strategically using a combination of industry buzzwords that will immediately mean something to a target connection, notable accomplishments that back these buzzwords up, and unique language that helps you stand out in the crowd. Define Your Goals and Your Audience Set goals for yourself, such as where you would like to be in six months and where you see yourself. This will help you decide exactly where you dont want to be, so you then can market effectively in the direction you wish. After deciding on a goal, focus on areas of marketing that will help you get there, and people or companies you need to reach to make it happen. Once you determine this target audience Develop Your Story I put this step ahead of networking for several reasons, mainly because in lieu of knowing your skills like the back of your hand, having a story to back up these skills appeals to human nature, and therefore potential employers. This shouldnt be mistaken for a fabrication of how you came to be, but rather a story of you as the product. Typically, this is put into the elevator speech, which is something well discuss in an upcoming tip. Susannah Breslin, freelance journalist and Forbes contributor, stated  in an article for Forbes, Products don’t exist in space. They are plot points in stories. And increasingly consumers want their products embedded in stories. More often than not, people are not buying your product, she wrote. They are buying your story.   Beslin also goes on to mention Oprah Winfrey as an example of a person who has sold their life story. If you look carefully, you will also notice that most highly successful blogs and self-improvement books tell the authors story as a backdrop for the information theyre providing. Tailor Your Online Profiles This goes for LinkedIn, your online resume or portfolio and any other networking sites youre utilizing. These are where you feature your story, showcase your skills and interact with other professionals, so you should be sure to tailor them to your brand. Keeping yourself, as a brand, consistent across platforms also confirms the authenticity of your skill set. Network After you have developed your story, identified your audience and tailored your marketing efforts across your online platforms, its time to network. This includes attending and volunteering at events within your marketing scope and developing your elevator pitch. This is commonly a 60-second speech that outlines who you are and what you can do, and the more you can craft it into a story, the better. Christine Clapp, a member of Toastmasters, stated in an article,That personal story you share will help establish a connection and build rapport with listeners. People at networking events don’t always remember a name, but they can usually recount an interesting narrative, she wrote. People enjoy listening to stories because they are entertaining and more memorable than highlights from a resume. It is also important that the first sentence of your elevator speech outlines the services you provide, effectively, describing yourself as the solution to a problem faced by your clients, Clapp stated. Look, Listen and Learn In addition, learn from others in your field or niche that are successful and that you admire. Attend one of their seminars, read one of their books or browse their blog. Pay attention to the details of how this person presents themselves and how it has worked for them. How is their website set up? How do they market their qualities on their website or in their portfolio? You will find that most of these individuals are able to effectively use a mix of showing their skills through the use of showcasing their work and telling them through their professional title, which breaks away from in-your-face, pushy marketing techniques; i.e., You must hire me now, because I have everything youve been looking for. I am one-of-a-kind. Hire me, I can do it! As you can see, this type of language comes off as slightly desperate and, in all respects, pushy. There is a way to let potential employers know you have the qualities they are looking for by  showing them, and by letting your work and your story do the telling. There are also assertive ways of doing this that dont involve desperate pleading, such as requesting a face-to-face meeting or following up with a networking contact through a direct phone call. Always remember, at the end of the day, its important that you develop a nearly unshakable confidence while marketing yourself, and that you market your true (albeit professionally polished) self. Lastly, dont be afraid to step inside and out of the rain. Run your own business, get control of your future, make an impact on your life. To learn more about College Pro, click here or call 1-888-277-7962.

Tutoring Dyslexic Students - Learn the Facts

Tutoring Dyslexic Students - Learn the FactsA large number of people are now tutoring dyslexic students. The main reason why there is a rise in the number of tutors offering this service is because there are more students than ever before who are suffering from this disorder. Moreover, more dyslexic students are opting for an alternative method of learning like online tutoring.Dyslexia is a common condition that affects an individual's ability to read. Dyslexia affects individuals with different levels of intelligence. It is mainly a developmental disability, but it may not necessarily be acquired through normal circumstances. For example, it may have been inherited or it may have been brought on by injuries to the central nervous system.The most common areas where dyslexia occurs are in reading, writing, and speaking. It often happens when a person is exposed to a certain stimulus at a very young age. The brain might react by suppressing the response to the stimulus. This causes the person to act on impulse and is a common reason why some dyslexics fail to learn certain kinds of information.They also often find it difficult to form simple words. It may be difficult for them to spell words or to understand the meaning of sentences. As a result, it can be very difficult for them to learn certain facts. Other children may show a different reaction as a result of their environment, such as, they might be motivated to learn a specific subject.There are also a number of other factors that contribute to the development of dyslexia. Some are genetic, while others are caused by a lack of care. Some of the causes may be associated with poor nutrition, but not all of them. Furthermore, dyslexia is often associated with other disorders as well. So, itis not enough to just look for the cause, but it is also necessary to consider what has been the effect of the disorder.A person with dyslexia has the possibility of being assigned to special classes. These classes might incl ude those that teach reading to students, writing, speech, and math. It is necessary to choose those that help the student to learn at their own pace. There are also educational programs for dyslexic students that teach them how to use the written form. These programs are not only beneficial to dyslexic students, but they are also beneficial to other students with the same disorder.Dyslexia does not affect a person's ability to learn, but it is still possible to learn to learn. Anyone who has dyslexia can learn in a normal manner. But, it is important to pay attention to what has been the effect of the disorder on the child's capability to learn.

The Benefits of Using an Online Homework Tutor

The Benefits of Using an Online Homework TutorOnline homework tutors offer a variety of services. Many students prefer to have their homework sent to them for them to study at home. When you go this route, one thing you want to do is to ensure that you take advantage of the online homework tutor services that are available to you.These are services that will help you study for your online homework. The homework tutor will provide you with tools and resources to help you in getting the best grades on your assignments. This is done through homework quizzes, essays, tests, problem sets, and other forms of study. By using this service, you will be able to keep up with your studies while giving yourself the opportunity to learn and enhance your skills in different areas.When going through this type of work, you can expect that you will spend the majority of your time online. Most of the homework tutors offer services in the evenings and on weekends. You will be able to study whenever you want to so you will not have to miss out on class because you are working on homework.When looking to find a tutor, you need to look for a tutor that offers at least one service. You need to be sure to compare prices so you will not end up paying more for the services that you need. The price for the service will depend on how much it costs you to send your assignments to the tutor.You may also find that the fees charged by the school districts will be a better deal than the price you are being charged by the tutor. The school districts offer several services to their students as well. The teachers, school counselors, and administrators can offer homework tutoring that is both convenient and cost effective. When you choose to send your work to them, you are giving yourself the opportunity to learn new things and improve on all your skills.You should make sure that you use the service that they offer to the fullest. They can use the service to make sure that you do not miss any work on your assignments. This means that you will not miss a deadline for your project, and you will not miss out on anything important. In this way, they will be able to help you with your homework without you having to waste your time worrying about your assignments.If you are considering using an online homework tutor, then consider using one that offers both classroom-based services as well as internet-based services. This will give you the chance to learn while improving on the skills you have learned throughout your education. If you are concerned about the cost involved with using the service, then look for one that offers to send you your homework for free.

How to Prepare for a Phone Interview

How to Prepare for a Phone Interview Getting Ready for Your Phone Interview ChaptersWhy Phone Interviews?Preparing Yourself IntellectuallyPrepare Yourself PhysicallyOther Tips for Acing Your Phone InterviewsWhat’s the big deal? It’s just a phone call! I don’t have to wear my Sunday best, brush my teeth or comb my hair; nobody is going to see me because we’re just talking on the phone, right?You could certainly approach your first phone interview with that attitude but it’s a fairly sure bet that, if you do so, you won’t get any further in the job interview process.The hiring manager isn’t calling you to chat; s/he has an agenda to follow.How you conduct yourself and how you respond, down to the degree of informality you inject into that conversation will decide whether you will be up for further consideration as a future employee or your application will be dismissed altogether.Today, your Superprof adopts sports analogies to help you figure out what to bring to the game, how to build up your playbook and how to execute the winning plays â€" to move you from the city to the regional playoffs, as it were.outnumber the positions needing to be filled, corporations adopted the tactics used by journalists the world over.Interview subjects can disclose pertinent information over the phone as effectively as in person. The telephone interview got its start when phones became commonplace Image by Stefan Kuhn from PixabayThus, rather than bearing the cost of flying candidates in for interviews and spending face time, HR managers came to realise that they could cull the most eligible candidates by pre-screening them over the phone.The phone interview was born.Today, phone interviews are conducted in that same spirit of getting to the point without wasting unnecessary resources.Potential employers want to know a bit more about you, so they might ask questions about your career goals and which skills you possess that will be pertinent to the position you applied for.We’ve covered specific interview questions you might be asked during a phone interview in a separate article.Your phone interview might last anywhere from a few minutes to an hour or more, depending on how satisfactory your answers are; however long it takes for the recruiting team you are talking with to determine you might be a good fit for the job based on your skills, abilities and preferences.Said preferences might be anything from willing to work the night shift to being willing to relocate.Once you’ve made an impression over the phone, you â€" and a substantially shorter list of candidates than the number that sent their CV in will be invited to come in for a face to face interview.The trick is nailing the phone interview but, even to get that far, you need to write a good cover letter…Preparing Yourself IntellectuallyAs we mentioned before, a phone interview is not a casual chat with mates… besides, between texting and Snapchatting, does anyone even use their phone to casually chat with mates anymore?As you might not have participated in a long phone call in a while and these are not your mates calling, a measure of preparation is necessary.The first thing to remember is that it is your interview but the interview is not all about you. Before the interview, you should condition yourself to actively listen, as the fellow on the right is doing Image by jamesoladujoye from PixabayYou’re quite right in thinking that the person conducting the interview wants to know more about you but they don’t want a barrage of information; they want to know specific things.  To learn what these things are, you have to actively listen.Active listening is an acquired skill that is easy to pick up. Two of the main components of active listening are paying attention and visualising.Let’s say you’re interviewing for a position in a food processing plant and the interviewer informs you that they’re looking for someone to clean test tubes and Petri dishes in their quality control lab, and the interviewer asks how you feel taking a seemingly menial job.You should not respond with “In my food chemistry courses, I spent a lot of time in the laboratory and I know all about laboratory equipment.”True, you have made a vague referenc e to a lab, but the answer you gave indicates you did not hear the question.You might practise your listening skills with friends and/or family; in fact, a good technique for interview preparation is conducting a mock interview: provide a trusted other with a list of job interview questions. They will clue you into the vital information you may have missed in their questions.Interviewing for a job with your parents or an older sibling is also a great way to work out all of those 'umm...'s, 'you see...'s and 'innit's out of your vocabulary before you accidentally spill them all over your interviewers!Do Your ResearchAnother important part of interview preparation is researching the company you hope to work with. Fortunately, unlike job seekers in the past, you have a wealth of resources at your disposal.Online, you can find just about anything you may want to know about any entity worth knowing about. If you can’t find any information online, research similar businesses to find out what they do.“(similar) Company XYZ does this/has that; how does their profile compare with yours?”Nobody will be angry that you’ve brought up a rival company; in fact, they may be impressed that you’ve done so much to learn about them!If all else fails, try phoning the company ahead of your interview. There’s a good bet that they would have at least press releases and/or a company profile to share; they may even direct you to places you can learn more about your prospective employers.Also, pick up on more tips to make your resume stand out…Prepare Yourself PhysicallyWait a minute; physically? Nobody is going to see me; what physical preparations do I need to make?You may feel most comfortable taking this interview all cosied up in your personal space and wearing your most comfortable pyjamas. However, experts warn that interviewing in that manner would be a mistake.For one, your laid back position might translate into the cardinal sin of phone interviews: coming across as apathetic and uncaring of the task at hand.The adage ‘the clothes make the man’ has never been truer than in phone interviews.Granted, nobody will see you but, by wearing professional attire, you are conditioning yourself mentally to the task. Additionally, rather than planning to sit throughout the time you spend on the phone, you might consider standing â€" an extra means of focusing.If you do follow the recommendation to stand, you should avoid pacing. Your steps might echo through your phone connection, potentially distracting your interviewers or leading them to wonder what’s going on around you. In that same vein, choose a quiet area in which to conduct your interview.It should be reasonably comfortable; nobody ever said you couldn't have some comfort!Make sure your phone has a good connection. If you haven’t given your future employers your fixed phone line number, you must ensure that the phone you use will have a strong signal in the spot you plan to interview i n.If you have WIFI, note that it doesn’t like walls or doors, and it doesn’t like to climb stairs to the second level or the basement.  If possible, get as close to your router as possible and/or make sure you will have adequate signal strength in the location you choose for your interview.And make sure you have a full charge on your battery!Learn more inside interview techniques and tips for finding your first job… Interview etiquette demands that you should be in a quiet place, where interviewers will not hear background noises Image by Free-Photos from PixabayOther Tips for Acing Your Phone InterviewsGranted, you wrote your curriculum vitae and you probably know everything on it. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to review it and even keep a copy at hand during the interview in case your interviewer ask more pointed questions about it.Also, any notes you’ve made while researching the company should be neatly compiled, preferably in bullet points, and kept where you can see them. Speaking of notes…Set up your interview space in such a way that you will be able to take notes as the conversation progresses.For instance, as your interview reveals details about the position, write down keywords and main points of what s/he is saying. Later, when s/he asks ‘Do you have any questions for us?’, you can confidently reply: ‘Yes, I do. Earlier, you mentioned _____, I would like to know how ______ rela tes to the position.’.Such a tactic is sure to sway the HR manager to recommend a second interview â€" and this one will be face to face!You might also use those notes to write post-interview thank-you notes…Another good response to the ‘questions for us’ question is asking about what happens next.There is nothing worse than being left hanging, unsure of how things will develop or turn out. There is nothing wrong with you asking ‘What is the next step?’; in fact, your interviewer might see you are keen indeed to start working.S/he may oblige you and put you to work sooner than you thought!Now discover how you can adapt your CV and cover letter for any job…